Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Word on the Chilean Health Care System

It's pretty good.

Monday night after dinner me and my entire host family (except Nelson) got violently ill. The mayonnaise is the prime suspect. Maria ended up taking Coté and I to the clinic, where I got an IV bag of medicine, much to my delight (not). When we got home at 2:30 am Nelsito was really sick, so poor Maria (who wasn't feeling well herself) took him back to the clinic. The entire family stayed home on Tuesday to recuperate. I just laid in my bed dozing and watching tv, and let me tell you, there was nothing good on. Even Friends was bad, they're showing the last season. But the good news is we are all feeling much better and I will be able to make my trip to San Pedro this weekend (the bad news being I had to go back to class today).

The point of this whole story is that I will not being eating mayo for a long time.